Moving Into Uncharted Territory
Life is full of the unexpected. As much as I’d love to say that my senior year was planned from the beginning, it’s far from what I had imagined. Entering college, I had pictured myself studying to become a dentist, but now I will be spending my final year in college as editor-in-chief for The Baylor Lariat, pursuing a degree in journalism.
We all have the tendency to plan in advance and set up goals for our future. Setting goals gives us a sense of responsibility and motivation to complete our daily tasks; however, it’s important to keep our minds open to other possibilities and to continue to move forward when things don’t go as planned. I believe goals are merely a guideline to keep us on track, not prevent us from trying new things.
This year, I am looking forward to achieving a new set of goals, but at the moment, the only commitment the Lariat staff and I can make is working hard and giving it our best.
We want to be more interactive with you, our student body, and continue to expand our presence throughout campus. Your interaction and opinions matter because we want to produce news that is relevant and of importance to you, our student readers.
We will strive to follow our motto, “We’re there when you can’t be,” as we have every year. This year, we will continue to challenge ourselves by covering more than campus news. We will be there locally but look regionally as well. In order to achieve that, we will keep ourselves updated digitally throughout the day. You can check our website at, follow us on social media or subscribe to our Morning Buzz newsletter to keep yourselves up-to-date. We understand Baylor is undergoing changes, and we will work hard to be there through it all.
The Lariat takes pride in our ability to maintain professionalism and credibility. With that in mind, we ask that you are patient with us. We are students like you and are constantly learning and growing from our experiences. When life throws a curveball, we’ve got to find another way to keep on moving forward. As important as it is to follow the guidelines we have set for ourselves, it is just as important to remember that sometimes good can come from hardship. It is vital that Baylor keeps moving forward, and the Lariat staff and I intend to be there every step of the way.
Sarah Pyo is a senior journalism major from Round Lake, Illiniois. She is the editor-in-chief for the Baylor Lariat.